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    Who is the translator?
    A translator is someone who translates different texts from a source language to a target language. So that there is no change in the meaning and concept of the text and the understanding of the text is easy for the reader.

    We at Research Editor, which is actually a provider of translation services, invite you to cooperate as general and specialized translators, so that you can translate and earn money remotely and in absentia at your home.

    Translators often work in 2 ways; The first category officially after graduating from the university and passing a series of courses enter various organizations and centers and earn income for translating the requested items in those centers, the next category are translators who work independently and generally They work remotely.

    These translators go through challenges to work independently and become successful translators in their field, who naturally earn more money compared to the first group.

    In fact, due to the ability and skill they acquire over time and with experience, they receive various offers that include higher incomes.

    What are the characteristics of a good translator?
    Be fully fluent in the source and destination languages.
    As the most basic and basic characteristics of a translator, we can point out his mastery of both source and target languages, in fact, a good translator must be familiar with the vocabulary, terms and grammar of both input and output languages ​​in order to be able to provide the best translation. presented from all points of view so that it can be understood by the audience, this mastery also makes the translation done according to the subject and not distorted in meaning.

    Familiarity with the subject of translation
    This issue is especially important for the translation of specialized texts; Because words and terms related to the same subject are used in specialized texts, which if a translator without familiarity with the subject tries to translate, the translation will not be good.

    Naturally, if the translator is also familiar with the topics of general texts, the translation will be done in a better way and it will be easier for the translator himself.

    The presence of some terms and words in the texts has made the translation more specialized and to do it, the need to be familiar with the text seems more necessary because the incorrect translation of terms and words can create problems in conveying the main meaning to the reader and change the meaning altogether.
    Also, some of these words may not have a word for translation in the target language, therefore, translation should be done by stating its meaning, which requires sufficient knowledge and mastery of the subject of translation.

    Trustworthiness in translation
    One of the most important characteristics of a good translator is trustworthiness, which means that the translator should translate exactly the topic mentioned in the book or article and not include his personal opinion, only the opinion and content written by the author of that book or article should be translated.

    Also, one of the other matters of trustworthiness, which is naturally more important than the previous one, is that usually personal articles and writings are given for translation, it should be noted that the translator keeps everything he reads and translates to himself and does not talk about it with anyone. .


    Delivery of the translation on time
    When you accept a job as a translator, you must pay attention to the fact that you must prepare and deliver the text within the time period set for you; Because the article entrusted to you may be very critical and must be translated in a limited time.

    Full review of the order before accepting its translation
    A professional translator will first review the order before accepting any type of translation. The translator must examine the topic of the text and decide whether he is capable of translating the text or not according to his familiarity with the topic.

    Any translator may be familiar with certain topics and therefore have the ability to translate. There is no translator who can provide a good translation in all fields, so the failure to select some texts for translation does not indicate the translator’s weakness, but rather his professionalism. shows because he spends his time on the texts in which he performs better and more specialized.

    What are the education and qualifications required to hire a translator?
    The language translator must have the ability to translate well and understand. Therefore, he must have received specialized training about the target language, which can be done either at the university and during his studies, or can be learned freely from specialized language centers.

    Providing a certificate in the language area is only to confirm your ability to translate well and professionally, so that we can trust you and entrust you with our translation orders.

    Translation is a challenging job because with a wrong translation or a misunderstanding, your entire ability and the result of the client’s work will be questioned, but on the other hand, it is one of the professions for which there is always work, and you have the ability to grow and succeed in this field every day more than yesterday. you have, the language is endless and you can always become more professional even if you are a professional.

    If you have the qualities of a good translator, we welcome you at Research Editor, just send us your resumes, we will contact you as soon as possible after reading your resume to hire a translator.